Sunday, February 24, 2019

How You Can Benefit From Invoice Discounting?

Invoice Discounting  in India
Invoice Discounting Benefits

Invoice discounting is a finance facility that allows a company to meet their day to day recurring expenses. It solves the cash flow problem of the company. A company needs cash to execute their day to day activities. Invoice discounting is a type of invoice financing. It is a source of short term borrowing to meet the liquidity needs of a company. In invoice discounting the company uses an unpaid invoice or unpaid account receivable as collateral for a loan which is an issue by the finance company. The amount of loan is less than the amount of outstanding receivable it might be 95% of the value of account receivable.

Some of the important points to show how a business may benefit from an invoice discounting facility are:

•    Invoice discounting in India make it possible to pay suppliers or creditors due to punctually and its increase their credit worthiness. It helps in improving the reputation of the business. It helps to create and maintain a healthy relationship between the company and the supplier, thus giving more bargaining power to negotiate a better deal with suppliers.

Priority Vendor -Invoice Discounting  in India
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•    The invoice discounting business uses the unpaid invoice to release cash that is locked in account receivable. Invoice discounting provides immediate cash to help business to meet operating expenses like paying salary to employees and purchase more goods etc.

Invoice Financing in India

•    The best thing of invoice discounting is that there is no inventory or asset/movable item as pledge or collateral, In the invoice discounting the company uses the already generated invoice which is still unpaid by its customers. The company uses this unpaid invoice as collateral for receiving advance cash from the lender. Entities which have a huge amount of outstanding receivables can release the blocked funds.

•    Through the invoice discounting facility, entity’s DPO Extension in India, DPO stands Day Payable Outstanding it’s a financial ratio that shows the average time (in days) that a company takes to pay its bills and invoices to its suppliers, vendors or other creditors. This ratio indicates how well company cash outflow is managed.

Invoice Financing in India - Priority Vendor

•    Some clients ignore or delay in dealing when they realize their supplier is facing financial difficulties in business. This may affect the relationship and more chances of losing deals and contracts. In Invoice Financing in India client will know that company are using invoice as short-term finance facility but Invoice discounting allows business to arrange cash without their client's knowledge, that allows business to maintain their relationships with clients.

•    Invoice discounting is the best source to increase and improve working capital in India. Invoice discounting will help to maintain sale ledger, payment chasing, and invoice processing.

Working Capital in India

 •    Sometimes a business that is facing cash flow problems, and not able to pay its suppliers and that may result a shortage in business’s Inventory. In this situation, the company may continue placing orders to the existing customer but at the same time not able to fulfill or place new orders. Since invoice discounting provides immediate cash flow, the company will be able to pay suppliers and replenish its depleted inventory.

Dynamic Discounting  in India

•    With the bill discounting in India, an entity basically handovers account receivable to the finance company. The invoice discounting doesn’t have any team and condition regarding a certain amount of account receivables. And invoice factoring can cost 0.5% up to 5% in fees this calculation is against the value of account receivables, in addition, some other fees also involve originating the loan. In contrast, invoice discounting usually between 1.5% to 2.5% fees without any additional fees.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Invoice Discounting For Small Businesses

Invoice Financing in India
INVOICE DISCOUNTING is one of the simplest forms of invoice financing. It is a kind of loan in which the invoices act as the collateral. The invoices generated are mostly to be paid between the periods of 30 to 90 days by the customer; it may vary According to the policies of different companies. But when a business requires the money for its WORKING CAPITAL, this amount acts as a hindrance in the workflow of the business. This is where the role of a lender comes into play. The small businesses can forward these unpaid invoices to the financier who after analyzing the authenticity of the invoices offer a short-term loan to the business. They provide them with 70-80% of the total amount of the invoices.

A perfect example of INVOICE FINANCING:

Suppose a small business owner Manoj has invoices worth Rs 1,00,000 that are yet to be paid by the customers. Manoj forwards these invoices to lender X. After scanning the invoices the lender credits the amount of Rs 80,000 to Manoj's account and it can be used by him for further business transactions. When the customers pay their outstanding invoices they are credited directly in the account of the lender i.e. company X about which the customers are unaware of. The company X then transfers the amount to Manoj's account after deducting their fees. The amount of fees deducted varies depending upon the duration in what the customers pay back to company X, the longer the time period the higher is the fee.

INVOICE FINANCING has proved to be of great advantage for small businesses. Some of them are listed below.

Better Cash Flow

Invoice Discounting  in India

The top most advantage of INVOICE FINANCING or INVOICE DISCOUNTING is that it helps in the betterment of the cash flow of the company making it better for the company to cover up the expenses of the company.

Flexible Payment Terms.

In order to attract more customers, you can easily extend your payment terms from anywhere between 30 days to 90 days, as you do not have to worry about the lack of funds required for running the company.

Easy Eligibility And Simpler Application

The application process is also quite simple in this process of BILL DISCOUNTING, as only a few documents mainly the invoices are to be authenticated, unlike the other sources of finance which has a never-ending list of documents to be submitted and verified. It is one of the easiest ways of procuring finance which requires the least of the paperwork.

Fast Credit

Vendor Finance in India

Unlike other credit sources which can take weeks or even months because of its legal formalities to be fulfilled. INVOICE FINANCING is a kind of SUPPLIERFINANCE that provides credit mostly within a week once the invoices are submitted.

So next time your business gets short of funds, you can go for PRIORITY VENDOR India's Largest Online Vendor Finance Platform which provides the option of INVOICE FINANCING which is a much quicker way of obtaining credit, rather than reaching out for traditional financial institutions which might take a lot of time and a lot of paperwork.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Everything You Should Know About Invoice Discounting

Invoice Discounting  in India
Online Invoice Discounting Platform
Invoice discounting imparts solutions to get an advance against your outstanding customer invoices either on a partial or whole ledger basis. It is a practice that is executed for utilizing a company’s due accounts received as a collateral basis. You can think about this unpaid amount to be distributed through a finance company as it is customarily done by companies dealing with Invoice Financing in India. This mode of discounting is rather a temporary approach to borrowing for a certain reason. The main reason could be attributed to the fact that the finance company may transform the worth of debt unresolved. This really happens when the amount of accounts receivable collateral fluctuates. Your debt amount given from the finance company is lower compared to the amount of outstanding receivables. That really is generally 80% of most invoices which can be somewhat less than a span of ninety weeks old.

Invoice Discounting  in India
Get Instant Cash
You may gain a lot of awareness about invoice discounting here. Invoice discounting fundamentally speeds up funds movement from clients. The purpose here is not to agree with the clients as per their credit conditions. You get cash instantly once you issue the invoice. Invoice discounting can be an important source of the working capital fund as the limitation of bank finances, due to this credit adversity. Banks are rather attracted towards invoice financing as it reckons to outstanding invoices from the borrower as security. It is a pervasive fact that the companies depend largely on the banks for their working capital in India.

This can be referred to as an approach for the companies to borrow money based on amounts. Invoice financing permits companies to regain cash flow, indemnify employees and suppliers, and reinvest in processes. Firms typically pay a percentage of their invoice sum to the lenders as a charge for borrowing the cash.

What is Bill Discounting

Bill Discounting  in India

Bill Discounting is really a discount or fee which a lender chooses out of a retailer to release the capital. This will be the money that the bank asks until the credit span predominates. This bill is later given to seller’s customer and the comprehensive amount is written. It's valid in situations when a customer purchases products and manufactures cost via letter of the credit. For discounts on bill, the credit period can fluctuate in thirty days to as large as a hundred and twenty times. Predicated on the credit score value of the buyer, the lender carries the discounts out of the amount as it is done in the process of Bill Discounting in India. Bank afterward pays this volume in the conclusion of the credit score period.

How Invoice Discounting Functions

Invoice Financing in India

In invoice discounting discounts are given by a range of lenders.This really is offered by those that will supply you with a percentage of the money owed on your own bills when they have been raised up. This entails that the amount will proceed into your account without a delay. Regardless of how much time it can take for a customer to recompense following performing invoicing.
Generally the lenders do not come up with money which equals the value of each invoice. 75% to 90% is usually acceptable here. Once the customer has provided finance for the invoice the remaining amount would be compensated after deducting the charges of invoice financing lender.

Priority Vendor is highly flexible. You can borrow small or large amounts on business loans, up to 80% for factoring purposes. The flexibility of invoice funding indicates that it often costs much lower than other financing options.  At Priority Vendor, delivers a cost-effective and adaptable solution to help your business grow when you can easily manage your cash flow challenges. We are very competitive in the market place.